Health Sanitary Inspector

Health Sanitary Inspector


The Skill based training courses are the training content developed for enhancing the specific skills of existing professionals or provide for a platform for imparting skills to candidates. As the directives of Ministry of Health & F W, NIPHTR Mumbai has decided to conduct one year skill based course for Sanitary Inspector.

Public health is an important matter of concern for the municipal bodies in various states. Sanitary health inspectors play a crucial role in the protection of public health and environment in various ways. Their demand is increasing with the changes in the public health sector. Civic bodies in a state depend on health and sanitary inspectors for dealing with various public issues which range from safe drinking water, safety of food and general sanitary conditions.

Training Outcomes

This course trains students to manage health and sanitation aspects in a variety of organizations and sectors, thus enabling them to safeguard public health and the environment.


Learning Objectives

  • Should have knowledge of food safety and the ability to apply it to establishments such as restaurants.
  • Apply the principles of natural and mechanical ventilation, as needed.
  • Should be able to dispose of waste (solid, liquid and sewage) appropriately with minimum harm to the environment.
  • Applying the techniques of sterilization and disinfection of various articles.
  • Should be able to survey housing colonies to assess sanitary standards and prescribe corrective measures.
  • Should assist in sanitation management at fairs and festivals.
  • Should understand communicable diseases and their prevention.
  • Should be able to assist in or independently conduct disinfection of areas in a hospital such as wards, operation theatres, labour rooms, etc.
  • Conducting programmes on personal hygiene.
  • Should be able to conduct visits to various establishments for assessment of cleanliness and hygienic practices and ensure the desirable standards are maintained.
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